Calculated Meter (ID=7025)
Obsolete, please use Magic
Meter instead.
Due to its status, it is normally installed as a hidden add-on. Please use
Add-on Manager to add it to Windaq's menu if you wish to use it
its cousin Meter, calculated meter uses flexible math equation to generate a calculated waveform from
Windaq-enabled channels in real-time, such as
Power =Current & Voltage, a=dV/dt, and polynomial conversion.
To better integrate the display with Windaq, please see Magic
Math expression, caption, location, color, size and limits are all
retainable, and associated to the channel which it was invoked from.
For example, if channel 1 in Windaq was highlighted when the meter
is invoked, all settings will be retained under the group for
channel 1. Thus when you invoke Calculated Meter from channel 1
again, it will carry all the previous settings.
Double clicking on the digits enables the setup
High/Low limit configuration
Operators include: +, -, *, /, ^, %, &, |, !, >,
>=, <, <=, !=, ==
Functions include: abs, floor, hex, round, if, avg, bin,
log, sqrt, ceil, log10, sum, max, min, acos, asin, atan, sin,
sinh, cos, tan, cosh, tanh
To use the reading from a channel, use #n. For example, #0
is the reading from the first enabled channel in Windaq
To access the sample rate, use #@.
You can use earlier readings to form a more complicated
math expression. To do so, add a letter after #, and alphabet
order of the letter represents the delay, Such as:
#0 is the reading from channel 0
#A0 is the reading from channel 0, one scan earlier
#B1 is the reading from channel 1, two scans earlier
Readings from up to 26 scans earlier can be used, for example, #Z0.
For example: use ( #0-#A0)*#@ to form a two-point
The math equation parser uses standard English (United
States) notation without the present of digital grouping symbol,
the decimal point must be "." (period) instead of ","
(comma). If your Regional and Language Setting is not English
(United States), you may need to adjust it
Please note: The more complex the math equation, the more
computing power/delay is required.
The calculated result is presented AS IS. To round to a certain
position, please use round, floor, or ceil functions. For example,
if the format ###.## is preferred, you can use round(result*100)/100,
where result should be replaced by your math expression
Bonus for users with paid registration
To Use WinDaq Add-ons
Confirm WinDaq 3.16 or higher is installed on your
Install WinDaq add-ons.
Start WinDaq, and you will find the WinDaq add-ons
integrated into Windaq->View->Add-ons menu (see the screen
capture above).
Intelligent Channel Selection: Highlight/Select a
channel in WinDaq and fire up the WinDaq add-on you wish, and the
WinDaq add-on will use the selected channel as its default channel.
If channel index number is required for a WinDaq
add-on, please enter the 0-based index to Windaq's scanlist. For
example, if WinDaq has channel 3,4,6,7 enabled, one can enter 0 for
channel 3, 1 for channel 4, 2 for channel 6 and 3 for channel 7.
Do not change WinDaq's configurations while
WinDaq add-ons are running, or some add-ons may terminate.
Last update: 02/28/22
© www.UltimaSerial.com