Magic Meter
Magic Meter
provides a meter display with translucent background
Calculated results based on readings from multiple
channels, such as Power= V*I
Enlarged display
Warnings based on font colors
Move the mouse to the left edge of the display to reveal the
configuration button.

Click on the configuration button to adjust the setting

Double click on the display to switch to transparent mode
Data Window to perform the following operations
- None: The most recent reading
- Average: Average all readings in the data window before presenting
- Minimum: Display only the minimum reading within the data window
- Maximum: Display only the maximum reading within the data
- RMS: Perform RMS for all readings within the data window
- AC RMS: Average all readings and use the result as offset.
Remove the offset of all readings then perform RMS
- Calculated Channel with the following features:
Operators include: +, -, *, /, ^
Functions include: abs, floor, round,
log, sqrt, ceil, log10, acos, asin, atan, sin,
sinh, cos, tan, cosh, tanh
To use the reading from a channel, use CH notation,
the channel number after this should match what you see in
WinDaq. For example, CH3, CH6, CHA4 and CHA7 are available in
the following WinDaq configuration
To use the data-window derived results, use MIN, MAX,
AVE, FREQ, RMS and ACRMS to represent Min, Max, Average, Frequency,
RMS, and ACRMS in
the expression, i.e, CH1ACRMS returns the AC_RMS reading
of channel 1 in the sampling window, CH2MIN returns the
minimum reading of Channel 2 inside the sampling window.
The calculated result is presented in the same format as WinDaq
by default. If you need to change it, please follow the steps below
Run MagicMeter then exit
Open MagicMeter.ini, you will find an entry like UserFormat=
Change it to UserFormat=0.00, which represents two digits
after the decimal point
When you run MagicMeter again, it will use the new display
The math equation must be valid even you don't plan to use it
Programmable palette for better visual effect when
superimposing magic meter to Windaq.
Although the meter appears to embed inside WinDaq, it is NOT.
you move WinDaq's window around or add/subtract channels, it will
NOT follow your action.
The display is right-justified to align the units all the time,
so make sure you make the width of the windows long enough to
display ALL digits
To Use WinDaq Add-on Magic Meter
Start WinDaq, and select (highlight) a
Invoke Windaq->View->Add-ons->Magic Meter,
and the selected channel will be used as the default
Do not change WinDaq's configurations while
WinDaq add-ons are running, or some add-ons may terminate.
Configuration file
If you can't find it there, you may need to look in
Last update: 07/22/24
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