DI-720 series can have 8 extra digital
inputs under most configurations. The extra digital inputs are from
Aux Inputs. This is the visual indicators for Aux inputs. A
digital channel must be enabled in WinDaq to use this add-on. Due
to its low popularity, Aux Indicator is normally installed as a hidden
add-on. Please use Windaq
Add-on Manager to add it to Windaq's menu if you wish to invoke it
from WinDaq Acquisition Software's add-on menu

The Aux Input port is the one on the right side of the front-panel
below. Please exercise the
same care like the standard digital inputs when using the Aux Inputs.

- Aux 0 at pin 25 (Also called Remote Event flag)
- Aux 1 at pin 6 (Also called Remote Storage control)
- Aux 2 at pin 24
- Aux 3 at pin 5
- Aux 4 at pin 20
- Aux 5 at pin 2
- Aux 6 at pin 21
- Aux 7 at pin 29