- DigitalPlot supports digital rising/falling edge trigger mode
that works like a logic analyzer.
- DigitalPlot provides more commonly-seen digital waveforms.
- WinDaq

- DigitalPlot

- Bit assignment
- Bit 0...7: Aux 0...7 if available
- Bit 8..15: Digital Input 0..7
digital channel must be enabled in WinDaq to use this add-on.

Uncheck the bits in BitMask to exclude them from the
plotting. For example, if DI-149 is used, only 4 digital
inputs from Bit 8 to 11 are available.
Four charting modes
Trigger +: Trigger on rising edge, both the trigger
channel and trigger length can be modified.
Trigger -: Trigger on falling edge, both the trigger
channel and trigger length can be modified
To modify the trigger
channel and trigger length
Check "HiRes" if you are running HiRes
(16-bit) WinDaq. If this setting is not setup accordingly,
and Bit1 may not reflect the real state of the Aux Input 0 and
Once the waveform is stopped, one can activate a cursor to
examine the data
Menu Name Appeared under WinDaq->View->Add-ons
Digital Plot
Configuration file
Last update: 07/22/24
© www.UltimaSerial.com