Advanced Analog Triggered Recorder
This addon uses calculated result to provide trigger mode for all
Windaq-based instruments
It offers industry's first Analog
Trigger Mode©, e.g.
dV/dt>30. With this feature, one
can trigger on a glitch riding on a slow moving signal swinging from rail to
Also available is Analog Calculated Trigger Mode, e.g. Channel 1 * Channel 2
>40. For example, the power consumption based on the
readings of voltage and current.
Please consider Advanced
Trigger Excel Link instead if Excel Link is needed
Blue: Filling up pre-trigger
Yellow: Waiting for
condition to be FALSE first
Green: Waiting for condition
to be TRUE
Red: Filling up post-trigger
Chart Features
Plot all (up to 16) WinDaq channels
Sizeable Chart
Trigger Indicator
Use mouse wheel or buttons to zoom in/out
Please note, each time the form is resized, the chart will
be cleared
True math expression with many predefined operators and
Operators include: +, -, *, /, ^, %, &, |, !, >,
>=, <, <=, !=, ==
Functions include: abs, floor, hex, round, log, sqrt, ceil, log10,
acos, asin, atan, sin,
sinh, cos, tan, cosh, tanh
To use the reading from a channel, use #n. For example, #0
is the reading from the first enabled channel in Windaq
To access the sample rate, use #@.
You can use earlier readings to form a more complicated
math expression. To do so, add a letter after #, and alphabet
order of the letter represents the delay, such as:
#0 is the reading from channel 0
#A0 is the reading from channel 0, one scan earlier
#B1 is the reading from channel 1, two scans earlier
Readings from up to 26 scans earlier can be used, for example, #Z0.
For example: use ( #0-#A0)*#@, or #0-#A0, to form a two-point
Must read:
The mystery of channel index!
The math equation parser uses standard English (United
States) notation without the present of digital grouping symbol,
the decimal point must be "." (period) instead of ","
(comma). If your Regional and Language Setting is not English
(United States), you may need to adjust it

Menu Name Appeared under WinDaq->View->Add-ons
Advanced Analog Trigger, Please consider Advanced
Trigger Excel Link instead if Excel Link is needed
Configuration file
Last update: 07/22/24