WinDaq Add-on ID
Menu Name Appeared under WinDaq->View->Add-ons
Calculated Analog Output
Configuration file
Calculated Analog Output
Control analog outputs via the DACs of the device, including
DI148/158/720/730/740, based on the result from a math equations from
readings of enabled Windaq channels. Due
to the limitations of the hardware, when using with 720/730 USBs, please
make sure Windaq's maximum sample rate doesn't exceed 100K, and the sample
rate is less than 50K

Monitoring rate up to 50Hz, depending on
device, OS and/or workload. Great for analog closed-loop control, such as
controlling a valve depending on the flow pressure
Math expressions are
To use this feature, you should start the add-on from the
SAME WinDaq logical channel. For example, highlight the second
channel on WinDaq, start the add-on, set up the add-on then
exit. Now the configuration is saved in a configuration file
associated with second channel. You can have multiple
configurations for the same device, each configuration
associated with a different WinDaq logical channel. To recall
the configuration stored associated with logical channel 2,
highlight the channel on WinDaq, start the add-on.
The logical channel mentioned above is not the physical
channel, it is the logical order of a physical channel listed in
the channel selection box. For example, we have two WinDaq
setups, one with physical channel 1,2,3,4,6,8, and the another
with physical channel 6,7,9,10,14,15. If the add-on
configuration is associated with the second logical channel,
then highlighting physical channel 2 from the first setup then
start the addon will be the same as highlighting physical
channel 7 then start the addon.
To bypass a DAC, enter NONE to the math expression. Once the DAC is
bypassed, you can use the manual Analog Output to control it
Operators include: +, -, *, /, ^, %, &, |, !, >,
>=, <, <=, !=, ==
Functions include: abs, floor, hex, round, if, avg, bin,
log, sqrt, ceil, log10, sum, max, min, acos, asin, atan, sin,
sinh, cos, tan, cosh, tanh
To use the reading from a channel, use #n. For example, #0
is the reading from the first enabled channel in Windaq
To access the sample rate, use #@.
You can use earlier readings to form a more complicated
math expression. To do so, add a letter after #, and alphabet
order of the letter represents the delay, Such as:
#0 is the reading from channel 0
#A0 is the reading from channel 0, one scan earlier
#B1 is the reading from channel 1, two scans earlier
Readings from up to 26 scans earlier can be used, for example, #Z0.
For example: use ( #0-#A0)*#@ to form a two-point
Support non-English
(United States) Regional and Language options.
Must read:
mystery of channel index!
The output will be checked against the DAC limits of the
device. If min or max limit is exceeded, the result is represented
by color code, red for higher than MAX, green for lower than MIN,
see above image for reference.
Note: The DACs on 148 and 158 are NOT calibrated
Last update: 02/28/22
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