The following is a step-by-step lesson on how to use ActiveX in
Microsoft Visual C# (C sharp) 2008 Express Edition
In this lesson, we will use Ultimaserial ActiveX to develop a
data acquisition application to use DATAQ's Starter kit DI-158 via USB port.
Run Microsoft Visual C# 2008 Express Edition
Start a New Project from File menu. Select Windows
Forms Application. Give a name MyTest to the project, hit OK
A form is created

Move the cursor to the Toolbox column and click left button
to expand the Toolbox pane
Inside the Toolbox pane, right click to bring out the menu,
click Choose Items... It will take a while before the dialog box "Choose
Toolbox Items" appears.
In the dialogue box "Choose Toolbox Items", select COM
components tab

Check both Ultimaserial and XChart Controls, hit OK. Now you
will see these two controls in the Toolbox pane:

Add Ultimaserial and XChart components to the form, along
with two buttons, change their text and name to Start and Stop

Double click on the two buttons to create codes (you will
need to switch between the tabs of form1.cs* and form1.cs[Design]* to do so)
Back in form1.cs[Design]* tab, select Ultiamserial icon, in
its property pane, select Event tab, which looks like a lightning.

Double click
on NewData event, now Visual C# 2008 should generate codes should be like
private void
Start_Click(object sender, EventArgs
private void
Stop_Click(object sender, EventArgs
private void
axUltimaSerial1_NewData(object sender,
Add our codes:
private void Start_Click(object sender, EventArgs
private void Stop_Click(object sender, EventArgs
private void axUltimaSerial1_NewData(object sender, AxULTIMASERIALLib._DUltimaSerialEvents_NewDataEvent e)
axXChart1.Chart (axUltimaSerial1.GetData());
Build the solution and it should work now!

Now we will extract one data point from the first channel
for display.
Add a label to the form

Switch back to Form1.cs pane and change
axUltimaSerial1_NewData to
private void
axUltimaSerial1_NewData(object sender,
object V ;
short[,] intArray;
string sdata;
V = axUltimaSerial1.GetData();
intArray = (short[,])V;
sdata=intArray[0, 0].ToString() ;
label1.Text = sdata;
Build the solution and run it, here is what you will see

To create a new waveform from the data collected and
chart it, use a managed array. Please take a look at this and you should be able
to construct your own codes:
short[,] shortArray;
shortArray = new short[2, 100];
short i;
for (i = 0; i < 100; i++) shortArray[0, i] = 20000;