Windaq Add-ons
The following is a lesson on how to use
ActiveX in Visual Basic 2008 Express Edition, which can be downloaded
for free from Microsoft's website.
Note: If you wish to use Visual Basic
2008 Express Edition (VB2008)'s upgrade wizard to upgrade the VB6
examples provided in the installations of Ultimaserial, UltimaWaterfall
and XChart, check this out
32 or 64-bit?
Most ActiveXs are 32-bit components, you must select
32-bit code option when using 64-bit compilers. Both 32-bit and 64-bit
Windows runs 32-bit applications properly.
Here is an
example based on DATAQSDK
You may download VB2008 projects
for reference
In this lesson, we will use Ultimaserial ActiveX to develop a data acquisition
application with DATAQ's Starter kit, here we use DI-158.
Start Visual Basic 2008 Express Edition
Select Create: Project...
From the Visual Studio installed templates, select Windows Forms Application to create a new project
The studio will create Form1.vb for you
Right-click inside the
toolbox pane and follow Choose Items...
Select Ultimaserial and XChart
under the COM Components tab
Add XChart and Ultimaserial to the form
Add two buttons to the form, one
call Start, the other Stop
Add four labels (label 1,2,3,4) to
display the readings in two different approaches, one via direct access to the data array, the
other via calls to AnalogInput()
Double click on both buttons,
XChart and Ultimaserial to enter the source editor of Form1.vb
Make sure your code is similar to
the following:
Public Class Form1
Dim v(,) As Short
Private Sub
AxUltimaSerial1_NewData(ByVal sender
As Object,
ByVal e As
AxULTIMASERIALLib._DUltimaSerialEvents_NewDataEvent) Handles
AxUltimaSerial1.NewData v =
AxUltimaSerial1.GetData AxXChart1.Chart(v) Label1.Text =
AxUltimaSerial1.AnalogInput(ULTIMASERIALLib.enumAChn.Ch1) Label2.Text
AxUltimaSerial1.AnalogInput(ULTIMASERIALLib.enumAChn.Ch2) Label3.Text
= v(0, 0) Label4.Text = v(1, 0) End Sub
Private Sub
StartButton_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles
StartButton.Click AxUltimaSerial1.ChannelCount =
2 AxUltimaSerial1.set_PChannel(0,
ULTIMASERIALLib.enumChn.Ch01_SE) AxUltimaSerial1.set_PChannel(1,
AxUltimaSerial1.Device = 158 AxUltimaSerial1.CommPort = 0 AxUltimaSerial1.SampleRate =
AxUltimaSerial1.EventLevel=1 AxUltimaSerial1.Start() End
Private Sub
StopButton_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles
StopButton.Click AxUltimaSerial1.Stop() End Sub
End Class
Run it and it should plot the input
waveform on the chart and print readings from the two channels
on the text labels. Some users report that NewData event may not fire
under certain Windows configuration. If you suspect this is what happened to
you, please use Timer function to retrieve the data instead: Add a timer to
the form, set its resolution to 10, enable it when Start button is pushed and
disable it when Stop button is pushed. Copy the codes in NewData event to
Timer1_Tick event
If you need to access the data
returned by GetData, access them directly via v(x,y), where x is the channel index, y
is the data index
Last update: 11/18/16
© www.ultimaserial.com