Windaq Add-ons
The following is a step-by-step tutorial on how to use ActiveX in
In this lesson, we will use Ultimaserial ActiveX to develop a
data acquisition application with DATAQ's Starter kit, including DI-194,
DI-148U, DI-145, DI-14, DI-155, DI-158U and DI-710U. You will learn
How to import an ActiveX in LabView
Use its properties and methods
How to convert the variant returned from the ActiveX to data
How to extract members from the converted data array
Output the data array to Labview's Waveform Chart or Ultimaserial's
Start Labview. Here we are using LabView 9 so you may notice
different icon, text and/or drop-down menu location when comparing
to your version of LabView. If your LabView is a much older version, please
take a look at the LabView 5 and LabView
6 examples
If possible, please open one of the LabView 9 Sample
VI as reference. LabView 9 examples include
test.vi, created from this lesson, up to step 36
test2.vi, based on test.vi, with added Waveform
Chart beyond step 36
us9.vi, based on test.vi, but uses dial and list box for
sample rate and COM port selection
Follow New->Blank VI to create a new Front Panel
Right click on the grid on the Front panel
- When the drop down menu shows up, click on the double down arrow
at the bottom of the menu, select .NET & ActiveX->ActiveX
Container and place one on the grid of the Front panel:

- Right click inside the ActiveX container on Front panel, select Insert ActiveX
Object...., then Ultimaserial from the list. If you need to interface to multiple Windaq Starter kits at the same
time, you will need to create one ActiveX container with Ultimaserial in it
for each device
- Repeat 3) to 5) to insert XChart
- On the panel grid, follow Right-click->Buttons->Text Button to add a
text button
- Right click on the button
- Under the Appearance tab
- Change the On text to Stop, Off text to Start.
- Change Label to Start/Stop
- Uncheck visible flag for the Label.
- Under Operation tab, change Button behavior to "Switch when
- On the panel grid, follow Right-click->Num Inds->Num Ind to add a
numeric display
- Follow Right-click->Num Inds->Num Ind to add another numeric display
- Follow Right-click->Num Ctrls->Num Ctrl to add a numeric
- Right click on it
- Under Appearance table
- Uncheck "Show Increment/decrement buttons".
- Change Label text to Device
- Follow Right-click->Num Ctrls->Num Ctrl to add another numeric
- Right click on it
- Under Appearance table
- Uncheck "Show
Increment/decrement buttons".
- Change Label text to "COM"
- Follow Right-click->Num Ctrls->Num Ctrl to add another numeric
- Right click on it
- Under Appearance table
- Uncheck "Show
Increment/decrement buttons"
- Change Label text to "Sample Rate"
- Save the vi as test.vi. Now the front panel of our vi should look like the following:

- From the menu bar, follow Window->Show Block Diagram to bring up the
test.vi Block Diagram, which is like the following

- Right click on the workspace. When the drop down menu shows up, click on the double down arrow
at the bottom of the menu, select
Programming->Structures->Stacked Sequences
- Right click on the frame and select "Add Frame after"
- Inside Frame 0, add "while loop" from RightClick->DoubleDownArrow->Programming->Structure->While
- Create a local variable for Start/Stop button, Change To Read, and connect
it to loop condition

- Insert another stacked sequence to Frame 1 of the above stacked sequence
- Add five frames to the new sequence, now the block diagram is like this

- In Frame 0 of the inner sequence frame, RightClick->DoubleDownArrow->Connectivity->ActiveX->Automation.
Connect the automation line to the icon of Ultimaserial

- In Frame 1 of the same sequence, right click on Ultiamserial->Create->Property
for ULTIMASERIAL....class to bring in ChannelCount,
EventLevel, CommPort,
Device, AcquisitionMode
and SampleRate
- Change the above properties to Write
- Create three numeric constants 2, 1 and 0: RightClick->DoubleDownArrow->Mathematics->Numeric->Numeric
- Link the appropriate inputs to the above properties. With this
configuration, we enable two channels, no trigger condition, update data at
highest rate.

- In Frame 2 of the same sequence, right click on Ultiamserial->Create->Method
for ULTIMASERIAL....class to bring in Start.
To demonstrate how to use XChart, right click on XChart->Create->Method
for XCHART....class to bring in Ymax (put)
and Ymin (put), wire them like this to
initialize them so that it takes the full range of the ADC readings

- In Frame 3 of the same sequence, follow the above procedure to bring in
Ultmaserial.GetData, Ultimaserial.AvailableData and

- Added
the followings
Multiply from
Division from RightClick->DoubleDownArrow->Mathematics->Numeric->Divide
Decrement from RightClick->DoubleDownArrow->Mathematics->Numeric->Decrement
Array Index from RightClick->DoubleDownArrow->Programming->Array->Index
Array. You can resize it to show more input nodes
Array Size
from RightClick->DoubleDownArrow->Programming->Array->Array
Variant to Data from
While loop from RightClick->DoubleDownArrow->Programming->Structure->While
- Click on the red circle to change the condition to

Case Structure
from RightClick->DoubleDownArrow->Programming->Structure->Case
Array Constant from RightClick->DoubleDownArrow->Programming->Array->Array
- Resize it to two dimensional

- Create a constant zero as I16 and uncheck Adapt to entered data

- Add this constant to Array Constant's data basket

Great than zero from RightClick->DoubleDownArrow->Programming->Comparison->Greater
- Several numeric constants
, ,
- Wiring
connects to the data type of Variant to Data 
to the condition of case 
- The output of Ultimaserial.GetData connects to the input of
XChart.Chart.Data and the input of Variant to Data

- The output of Variant to Data
connects to the input of Array Size
and Array Index 
- The others should be trivial.
- This is what you should get:
- Frame 4

- Frame 5. RightClick->DoubeArrowDown->Connectivity->ActiveX->Close
Ref. Connect the Close Ref to Ultimaserial

- Switch back to Front Panel window, and Run it
- Enter device name, COM port and sample rate
- Click on Start button, and here is the result
- If you wish to plot the waveform to the Waveform Chart from
Labview, read on
- Stop the program and switch back the Front Panel view
- Resize the Panel so that we have room to add LabView's Waveform Chart to
- Right click on the grid, follow Graph Indicators->Chart, and place a
chart on the Front Panel
- Right click on the Waveform Chart and select properties
- Select 2 for "Plots shown"

- Now the Front Panel is like this

- Switch to Block DIagram view of the project and wire the input of Waveform
Chart to the output of Variant To Data, like this

- Switch back to Front Panel View, right click on Waveform Chart and uncheck
"Transpose Array"
- Run it, and here is what you will see

Last update: 03/14/22
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